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Your problemsolvers on-site

17 x in Europe, 7 x in Asia, 1 x Central America, and 4 x AVANTEC in D/A/CH and the USA

Our man from Monterrey in Mexico, Armando Gomez, in Hanover for the EMO together with Michael van Well, Michael Maier, Cata Moroiu, Bruno Chaton – Viva Mexico!

»In the thick of it instead of just there«. That was the slogan of German sports television in the 90s.

This is a good image for our global dealer network, which by being „in the thick of it“, means in the shop floor, at the machine. This is the only way we can identify how we can overcome your challenges with a targeted approach: Vibrations, maintain precision, manufacture more productively.

Regardless of where in the world, our AVANTEC dealers work together with milling experts on-site and in-house and construction … in order to find the best solution, the key to mutual success in the manufacturer-dealer-customer triangle are good ideas, direct contact, and trusting communication. And we will maintain these principles.

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